Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Indiegogo: The Lascaux Prize

I hope you will take a minute to look at a project I'm involved in.

For the last couple of years I've been working on a literary journal called The Lascaux Review with my editor-friend and crit partner Stephen Parrish. It's a wonderful place to hang out if you love literature and good writing.

We've run two flash fiction contests and have published some notable names in fiction, nonfiction and poetry.

Now we want to offer a chance to award a larger prize to writers of short fiction and we need help.  So, we're raising funds through Indiegogo and getting the word out to see who can help us meet our goals.  We have some great perks for people who donate. Those who can't donate for even the lowest perk, I hope will at least pass the word on to friends and family who will donate and help spread the word.  Or put a widget on your page.  Every little bit will help us meet our goal.

Check it out and watch the video.  It's informative and fun and you might learn something cool in the three minutes that it plays.  About literature, about the world, about history, about my passion.

Thank you for taking a moment to look!

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